The BEST BLONDIES Recipe – Simple Blonde Brownies Cookie Dessert Bars

Sick of hearing about how awesome the Blonde Brownie Cookie bars are in lockdown?  Don’t have it in you to figure out what kind of felony would get you a little time but not too much time {because, you know, no Netflix in Prizzie} so you can enjoy these ooey gooey caramelly blondies too?    Well lucky for you {and ME}, you don’t have to!  Even though you will agree after you try these – they’d be worth the court costs and the shame your Mom would have to endure at Bridge Club.

We all have “that one family member”.  *sigh*  Lucky for us – they DO come in handy!  Besides making us all look better and upping our self esteem.  Nothing takes the heat off of a person from Grams for only having 3 kids quicker than Cousin “Meghan” {names and entire story has been changed to protect the guilty} doing time for harassing Bigfoot in California , amiright?  {It’s a thing.  Look it up.  Later.}

This recipe had to be scaled down using my ah-may-zing math skillz.  I took the liberty of assuming you did not, in fact, want to make enough for 500+ people.   If you do – then you are going to have to do some reverse mathing.   And get a really big oven.    Here’s what we are going to end up with people……


  • 4 1/2 Cups Flour
  • 2 Tablespoons Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 2 Cups Butter
  • 5 1/4 Cups Dark Brown Sugar
  • 4 1/2 Eggs {Sorry to do this to you - but 4 and a HALF is the ticket}
  • 1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F
  2. Grease and Flour 9X13 Baking dish and set aside.
  3. Sift Flour, Baking Powder and Salt together in large mixing bowl and set aside.
  4. Melt Butter on low stirring occasionally until clear.
  5. ...................................

for full recipes please see :

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