So after a short break, I’m back with more Baileys treats. St. Patrick’s Day needs to get here fast before I overload on Baileys. Today it’s in the form of cookie balls.

Cookie balls? Yes, cookie balls. No cake here. And not because I don’t love cake. I LOVE cake. But these are even easier because there’s no baking involved. That’s right. You don’t even have to turn on your oven. And yet when you bite into these delightful little balls of joy, you’d never know there was no cake involved. And they are best if you make them and then let them sit overnight. The cookies really absorb all the flavor and then it all just melts in your mouth. A serious Baileys flavor explosion. Awesome! Now let’s get started.

Baileys Cookie Balls - no bake, easy to make and so delicious! Great for holidays!
The main ingredient here is vanilla wafer cookies. These babies are useful for so many things and I love them for that. I used my food processor to crush them up. You need 3 cups, which was about 1 full box of vanilla wafers. Add in the powdered sugar and mix well. Then add the corn syrup and Baileys and mix it all together. It may seem kind of crumbly, but as you mush it together to form a ball it does hold it’s shape very well. My coworkers were surprised when I told them I’d used vanilla wafers to make them because not only could they not tell from the taste or texture, but they were surprised it all held together so well – but it does! Next, roll the cookie mixture into balls. I used about 2 heaping tablespoons worth of the cookie mixture in each ball.


  • 3 cups vanilla wafer crumbs
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/3 cup corn syrup
  • 1/3 cup Baileys Irish Cream
  • 12 oz bag chocolate chips or candy melts


  1. Combine vanilla wafer crumbs and powdered sugar in a large bowl.
  2. Add corn syrup and irish cream and mix well. Mixture will be crumbly.
  3. Make balls of about 1 tablespoon each of the vanilla wafer mixture. Shape balls with your fingertips and set aside. Dough might become sticky – you can dust your fingertips with powdered sugar to help with the stickiness.
  4. Melt candy melts in a bowl in the microwave using short time increments of about 15-45 seconds (more explanation on how I do that above).
  5. ...............................

for full recipes please see :


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